01483 689111 info@teamsurrey.co.uk
Welcome Week updates from Team Surrey!

Welcome Week updates from Team Surrey!

Interested in what Team Surrey has to offer ahead of Semester Two? Look no further as our comprehensive Welcome Week videos should give you all the information you need regarding our different offerings. There are opportunities for all students to engage with Team...
An update on SurreyMoves+ lockdown rewards!

An update on SurreyMoves+ lockdown rewards!

Moves+ has partnered with some online companies to provide users with discount codes which can be redeemed from the points you have accumulated through your physical activity. The national lockdown means that in-person rewards such as fitness classes are currently on...
A Team Surrey update ahead of December

A Team Surrey update ahead of December

Following the government’s latest announcement, we can confirm Surrey Sports Park is set to reopen its facilities on Wednesday 2nd December. All student gym memberships will become active on this date which gives members access to the SSP gym, swimming pool, court...