01483 689111 info@teamsurrey.co.uk

Mixed Volleyball

Our Mixed Volleyball Social League offers you the opportunity to play regular competitive weekly fixtures.

Matches will take place in Arena B between 7-10pm on Sundays.

All leagues are subject to NGB and government advice. Currently only outdoor sport leagues in Tier 2 are able to go ahead. More details will be shared in the new year once we no more but at this stage please express your interest so we can plan accordingly.
Mixed Volleyball Rules and Regulations

1. Organisation

The league is organised and delivered by Team Surrey in partnership with University of Surrey Volleyball Club. The league will be managed by the Sport Development Officer and supported by the IMS Volleyball Coordinator. This officer and the coordinator will have the final say in the league.

The IMS Volleyball Coordinator is Elena Melluzzo.

The following rules are subject to change in line with current Government and National Governing Body Guidelines.

2. Squad

a) The Squad may consist of between 6 to 10 players

b) All players are expected to register to take part in the league to enable Team Surrey to comply with Government guidance on track and trace.

c) At least 5 players must be present in order to play a match.

d) Once the captain has paid and registered their team, they will receive an email with instructions on how other team members are required to register.

e) The registration process for team members via the Playwaze app is free of charge and a one-time only process.

f) It is the captain’s responsibility to ensure all players are registered.

g) Random spot checks will take place during the course of the league. Teams with unregistered players face removal from the league.

h) Players who wish to play for more than one team must register with both teams and is up to the player’s discretion who they play for should the two teams play together.

i) A maximum of 2 BUCS players per squad.


3. General Rules

a) Match Length: Best of 3 sets to 21 (Cut off at 15 minutes per set)

b) 3 points shall be awarded for a win, 1 for a draw, 0 for a loss.

c) Fixtures will only be rearranged due to facility clashes, if this occurs matches will be rearranged at the end of the planned league dates.

d) Informed walkover – 48hrs notice is required for cancellation or rearrangement of fixtures, the cancellation should be given to the league organiser(s). Cancellations after this deadline will automatically result in 3-0 win to the opponent. This is subject to the Sport Development Officers discretion.

e) Uninformed walkovers – no shows will not be tolerated, and walkovers awarded resulting in a 3-0 win to the opponent. Two no shows in the same league will result in removal.

f) Teams must complete team sheet and hand into the IMS Coordinator before each match.

4. Playing Rules

a) Points are won on every serve for rally winning team (rally-point scoring).

b) If the score is drawn at 20-20, teams must win by 2 clear points

c) Each team has a maximum of 3 touches.

d) Each team will rotate in a clockwise position upon winning the serve back off the opposition.

e) Player may not hit the ball twice in succession. (A block is not considered a hit.)

f) The ball may be played off the net during a volley and on a serve.

g) A ball hitting a boundary line is in.

h) A ball is out if it hits the referee stand or pole or the ceiling above a non-playable area.

i) It is legal to contact the ball with any part of a player’s body.

j) It is illegal to catch, hold or throw the ball.

k) A player cannot block or attack a serve from on or inside the 10-foot line.

l) After the serve, front-line players may switch positions at the net.

Rule Violations:

m) When serving, the player steps on or across the service line while making contact with the ball.

n) Failure to serve the ball over the net successfully.

o) Ball-handling errors. Contacting the ball illegally (double touching, lifting, carrying, throwing, etc.)

p) Touching the net with any part of the body while the ball is in play.

q) When blocking a ball coming from the opponent’s court, it’s illegal to contact the ball when reaching over the net if both your opponent has not used 3 contacts AND they have a player there to make a play on the ball.

r) When attacking a ball coming from the opponent’s court, contacting the ball when reaching over the net is a violation if the ball has not yet broken the vertical plane of the net.

s) Crossing the court centreline with any part of your body is a violation. Exception: if it is the hand or foot. In this case, the entire hand or entire foot must cross for it to be a violation.

t) Serving out of rotation/order.

u) Back-row player blocking (deflecting a ball coming from the opponent) when, at the moment of contact, the back-row player is near the net and has part of his/her body above the top of the net. This is an illegal block.

v) Back-row player attacking a ball inside the front zone (the area inside the 3M/10-foot line) when, at the moment of contact, the ball is completely above the net. This is an illegal attack.


5. Fixtures

a) Fixtures will be generated via the Playwaze app

b) Captains are responsible for uploading the scores to the Playwaze app at the end of each match – this will need to be completed by 5pm the next day.


6. League Position

League position shall be decided upon:

i. Points obtained

ii. Matches won

iii. Point difference


7. Disputes

Disputes shall be put to the League organiser and resolved. The league organiser’s decision is final.

Any cancellations, queries or disputes are to be sent to the Sport Development Officer via playsport@surrey.ac.uk

8. Conduct

Should a team, or players from a team, indulge in any actions that are deemed by the organisers to be detrimental to the good spirit of the league, then the organisers are entitled to take whatever action is deemed appropriate. This may include, but is not limited to, suspension of players, loss of points or exclusion from the competition. Such penalties are subject to the approval of the League Organiser, whose decision is final.

COVID-19 Rules and Measures


  • Players are required to sanitise their hands prior to fixtures
  • A freshly cleaned/sanitised ball should be used for each quarter (same ball can be used but must be cleaned at quarter times)
  • Spare ‘clean’ ball to be kept in reserve if the match ball enters a spectator area
  • Match Officials and Scorers will now be required to be at least 2m from activity where possible, with 2m distance between chairs
  • Those sitting on team benches will be 2m or 1m+ apart with risk mitigation in place where 2m is not possible
  • Team talks should be conducted in socially distant circles on the court to avoid congesting the bench area
  • Social norms including handshaking, goal celebrations, high 5’s etc. are not permitted
  • Shouting is not permitted
  • No sharing of water bottles and these should be clearly marked



Surrey Sports Park provide hand sanitiser on the wall at entrance to the arenas, players are also welcome to bring their own.


Balls will be sanitised before, between each set and after each match.

Face Coverings

Whilst playing you are not required to wear a face covering, however you will need to wear one on entering and exiting the building.

Track and Trace

It is the captain’s responsibility to ensure that a team sheet is completed specifying who is playing prior to their fixture.

In order to participate in our IMS league, each and every time all players and officials confirm that:

  • They do not have any COVID-19 symptoms – high temperature (feeling hot, feeling cold, shivers and/or feeling under the weather), a new or persistent cough, a loss of taste or smell.
  • They have not received a positive test in the last seven days.
  • They are not waiting on a Coronavirus test result.
  • That no member of your household has Covid-19 symptoms or is waiting on a test result.
  • Has not been advised by NHS test and trace that you have come into contact with an individual who has tested positive for Coronavirus.
  • To the best of your knowledge you have not been in close contact with anyone who is exhibiting Coronavirus symptoms or has tested positive.
  • They have not returned from a foreign country in the last 14 days that the UK Government requires people to quarantine on return
  • All players and officials are willing to maintain social distancing where possible and to keep themselves, fellow players and officials safe by adhering to the safety advice and guidance given.

If any of the above statements cannot be qualified, then you MUST NOT participate. By participating you are thereby confirming the above to be correct.

IMS Leagues Code of Conduct

Should a team, or players from a team, indulge in any actions that are deemed by the organisers to be detrimental to the good spirit of the league, then the organisers are entitled to take whatever action is deemed appropriate. This may include, but is not limited to, suspension of players, loss of points or exclusion from the competition. Such penalties are subject to the approval of the League Organiser, whose decision is final.

Any questions please contact playsport@surrey.ac.uk

Player Code of Conduct

  • No abusive language, offensive or threatening behaviour/gestures/actions – especially directed at another player, team, official or spectator.
  • No physical contact/actions that go beyond the rules of the sport, these leagues are fun and social opportunities so please do not intimidate others.
  • Adhere to the rules in regard to COVID set out in the regulations, ensure that you sanitise your hands as often as possible to reduce risk to you and others.
  • Do not attend if you have COVID symptoms or have been in contact with someone that has been tested positive recently as explained in the league rules and regulations.
  • Recognise the valuable contribution of officials, never argue with an official or player during a game and listen to and cooperate with officials’ decisions, their call is final.
  • Participate within the rules and regulations of the game.
  • Players must be current University of Surrey students to enter and play in the Intramural leagues.
  • Players should not use any equipment or wear anything dangerous to themselves or another player. Jewellery should be removed.
  • Recognise fair play and good performance of all, including the opposition. Welcome any new teams or players where squad capacity allows.
  • Encourage your team members to learn the rules of the game and play within them.
  • At the end of play, thank your opponents and match officials.
  • Be respectful to SSP staff and public members. If a request is made by a member of staff, make sure you follow what has been asked of you.


Team Code of Conduct

  • Teams should compromise of no more than 2 BUCS players as per the rules and regulations of the league to allow for fair and closely matched fixtures.
  • Teams should arrive 5/10mins before their fixture start time to allow for the smooth running of fixtures.
  • Teams must pay the upfront payment by the requested deadline to enter into the league.
  • Disputes shall be put to the league organiser and resolved. The league organiser’s decision is final.


Confirming agreement to this Code of Conduct on sign up to the league displays that you, as acting role as captain of your team and on behalf of the players on your team, are aware and fully understand the rules laid out above. I understand that if I or my team fail to follow the code, Team Surrey may act against me/us, which may result in sanctions including bans and suspension.

Contact Us

If you're looking to get in touch, please contact us using the below details.

01483 689111

bucs@teamsurrey.co.uk (Competition)

memberships@surreysportspark.co.uk (Membership)

playsport@teamsurrey.co.uk (Social sport)


Team Surrey has Personal Accident Insurance to cover students engaging in Team Surrey activities. If you would like more information, please email l.bennet@surrey.ac.uk


Surrey Sports Park,
University of Surrey,
Richard Meyjes Road,

Can We Contact You?

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