01483 689111 info@teamsurrey.co.uk

Female-Only Sessions

How to book…

1. Ensure you have completed your data sharing agreement by clicking HERE.

2. Get a free Pay & Play membership if you are not already a Surrey Sports Park member.

3. Make sure you use your surrey.ac.uk email address and student number.

4. Create a Leisure Hub account and select that you are already a member.

5. Log in to your account and place your booking!



Contact Us

If you're looking to get in touch, please contact us using the below details.

01483 689111

bucs@teamsurrey.co.uk (Competition)

memberships@surreysportspark.co.uk (Membership)

playsport@teamsurrey.co.uk (Social sport)


Team Surrey has Personal Accident Insurance to cover students engaging in Team Surrey activities. If you would like more information, please email l.bennet@surrey.ac.uk


Surrey Sports Park,
University of Surrey,
Richard Meyjes Road,

Can We Contact You?

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