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Team Surrey Equestrian BUCS Trophy Nationals

Team Surrey Equestrian BUCS Trophy Nationals

On Wednesday 12th June 2024, Team Surrey Equestrian’s B team competed at the BUCS Trophy League Nationals. The team placed 2nd in dressage and 3rd in show jumping, securing an overall 2nd place finish.

In individual placings, Charlotte Bucke placed 1st, Emma Erasmus placed 2nd, and Alex Mobbs placed 8th in dressage. In show jumping, Alex Mobbs also placed 3rd. This resulted in Alex Mobbs placing 3rd overall, Emma Erasmus placing 5th, Charlotte Bucke placing 9th, and Mia Rivers, who stepped up from the C team to fill in for a B team member, placing 14th.

Overall, there were 6 teams competing at Nationals, each with 4 members, making individual placings out of 24! We are very proud of our B team for their success, considering 86 different teams were entered into the trophy league at the pooling stage!

Check out the Equestrian Instagram to see what else they have been up to: @uosequestrianandpolo

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