Team Surrey | Blog

BUCS Wednesday - 19 February - Team Surrey

Written by Benjamin Spencer | Feb 19, 2020 10:47:48 AM

Head down to SSP to show your support for our clubs playing at home this afternoon!


Badminton W1 Imperial 1s Arena A 13:00
Basketball M2 Kingston 1s Arena B 13:00
Squash M1 UCL 1s Squash Courts 13:00
Squash W4 Imperial 2s Squash Courts 13:00
Table Tennis M1 UCL 2s Studios 13:00
Tennis M2 Brunel 2s Tennis Courts 13:00
Tennis W1 Brighton 1s Tennis Courts 13:00
Football M1 Portsmouth 1s A2 14:00
Football M4 Reading 4s C2 14:00
Hockey W3 Brighton 3s AGP2 14:00
Rugby M2 Brighton 2s B1 14:00
Ultimate M1 Imperial 1s AGP1 14:00
Fencing W1 Loughborough 1s Arena B 15:30
Netball W2 Brunel 2s Arena A 17:00


See you there 💙💛