Team Surrey | Blog

6th PLACE AT BUCS TEAM CHAMPS 2024 – Swimming - Team Surrey

Written by Benjamin Spencer | May 13, 2024 9:46:45 AM

Massive congratulations and thank you to @uosswimteam’s 11 swimmers that made the journey to Sheffield to compete at BUCS Team Championships!

The competition saw the 11 swimmers all competing in different events from 50m all the way to 200m, including relays too!

This was a good opportunity for swimmers to get some short course racing done, allowing them to prepare and practice for more competitions coming including South East Regional Championships, British Summer Championships and English Nationals GB.

It was a hard fought day for the swimmers, often swimming back to back events with little rest. Many season bests and even personal bests were achieved which is amazing for this where we are in the current training cycle!!!

Team Surrey placed 6th overall in the Championship final (the most competitive and quickest final) out of 24 different teams!!